Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Procrastinator

I am the Procrastinator.

I suppose I choose to be one... but I am not proud of it. I joke about it, but realize that I need to get the ball rolling on some things I need to do. I hate putting people off. It is never my intention...but I lose steam and when I am frustrated I tend not to do things at all. I start out strong working on something and then I hit a road block and then what do I do? Absolutely nothing! I don't even let the thought of it slip into my head. I forget about it. Convenient for me I suppose, but not so much for someone who is waiting on me to finish.

For anyone who has had to wait on me to finish something... I'm sorry. I've been working on getting better at just getting things done all at once that way I don't put it off and it's been working for the small projects. But for the big ones... Eh, I don't even want to think about it. But I will make the effort to try to finish things right away or within a reasonable amount of time.

I'm sorry to myself too... I've wanted to redesign my blog and create my own logo for some time and it's been too long. I will have to work myself into my schedule at some point. Some point after I've finished other commitments...

NECESSARY NOTE: This does not include things at work, they get done because I am really good like that. This does not include things that would need immediate attention either. This only includes things that are not a high priority, but are somewhere on my to-do list.

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