Monday, June 28, 2010


The message was plain, simple, and clear. Volunteer. I think the message was meant to get people out there to help the needy or those who are less fortunate but here is my take on the message:

It's pretty simple really. Assist people. It doesn't take much to offer someone your assistance. You don't have to be a part of a volunteer group. The person or people don't have to be super needy either. I think that it is a different kind of volunteering. It doesn't take much effort or money. It's the kind of volunteering that if more people did it, well, it could just make the world a slightly happier place. Maybe?


person with hands full - open the door for them
person can't reach item on shelf - ask if you can get item for them
hold the door for the person behind you
allow people to merge in front of you in traffic
when someone doesn't have enough to buy something - offer spare change
tell someone when they leave something behind (ie, keys sitting on a counter)
someone trips and falls - offer to help them up!

I really think it's the little things that count when it comes to living in harmony with other people. When I do nice things for other people it makes me happy. In all honesty, I do get upset when other people don't do these things for me, but I realize that I'm not their focus in life. I'm just in their peripheral. And that's ok, but I think that when we start to focus on the people around us (even though they are not our main focus in life) that somehow it helps everyone. When you pay attention to people and what's going on around you, it makes things easier for everyone.

Safety precautions:

Because this world is not always a safe place, be careful when and how you assist people. Be sure it is in a public area. Do not walk up to people's cars when giving directions. Do not open your door to strangers. Do not help people on the side of the road, instead call the police to assist.

Sorry, just felt like doling out advice today, love it or leave it (you better gain way)....

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